Intel First Smart Glasses

What if smart glasses didn’t make you look like a techno … man, that is exactly what Intel is making.

The Vaunt mart glasses are completely different from the google Smart Glasses, and they are amazing looking, they look normal and feel really light on your head, they only weight about fifty grams.

They are design to show you information on your eye, it has a little red monochrome projector, that shine an image on a holographic mirror which then bounces it directly into your eyeball. So you don’t have to focus on it, it’s just sort of down there. But the best part, if you are not looking just slightly down at the display, it disappears, so it’s not distracting you.

Vaunt glasses are a prototype project from Intel’s new devices group.

Photo Source: Digital_Trends

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Intel First Smart Glasses Intel First Smart Glasses Reviewed by Mark on 2:12:00 PM Rating: 5

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